Matthew Hitt, doctoral student in mechanical
engineering, is working with a hybrid engine that burns solid and liquid
fuels at the same time. His testing is going on in the Johnson Research
Center on the UAH campus.
Credit: Michael Mercier / UAH
Hybrid rocket fuel research being done by a
University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) mechanical engineering
doctoral student could hasten the day when a simpler, safer, more
economical rocket engine propels space missions.
At UAH's Johnson Propulsion Center, Matthew Hitt has experimented
with varying solid fuel grain sizes to see how they burn at different
combustion chamber pressures and oxidizer flow rates in an effort to
improve the performance of hybrid engines.
"This is another step in making hybrids -- which are a safer
alternative to either solid or liquid engines -- more practical for
actual application," he says.
Advised by Dr. Robert Frederick, director of UAH's Propulsion
Research Center, Hitt attended the 2015 Combustion Summer School at
Princeton University and has submitted a paper on his work to the
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2015 Propulsion and
Energy Forum, set for July 27-29 in Orlando, Fla.
Improving the efficiency has to do with improving the fuel regression
rate -- a scientific way of saying you get the solid fuel to burn
faster so it recedes back from the flame front at a faster rate.
"By increasing the fuel regression rate -- which can lead to simpler
designs -- you are leaving less unburned fuel, so you are not carrying
all this dead weight," Hitt says.
Not having to carry fuel that won't end up getting burned could
reduce the weight of the rocket, allow for use of a smaller engine for
the same flight result, or allow for a larger payload due to the weight
Perfecting hybrid engines has been intriguing to rocket scientists
globally because of the tantalizing benefits a hybrid engine offers over
both conventional solid rocket engines and over liquid fuel/liquid
oxidizer engines.
Rather than having a valuable human or satellite payload sitting atop
two premixed solid propellants that could explode if accidentally
ignited, in a hybrid engine one propellant is a solid and the other is a
"You're not sitting on a bomb," says Hitt. Having half the combustion
equation as a solid beats a liquid/liquid combination in weight and
cost savings, because half of the valves and associated equipment needed
to pressurize and control liquids are eliminated. And unlike a solid
fuel engine, a hybrid can be throttled and shut down.
But the axial injection end-burning hybrid design Hitt used for his experiments is a bit different than conventional hybrids.
In the engine Hitt is working with, "the oxidizer is injected through
a porous solid fuel source, and the combustion occurs on the end of
that fuel."
Visualize granules of fuel in a tube that have oxygen passed through
them from one end while they burn on the other. By controlling the
oxygen flow, the engine can be throttled or stopped.
"For a typical hybrid, you have your solid fuel, and your oxygen is
injected into combustion ports in the fuel," he says. Efficiency is a
problem, though. "Conventional hybrids have a low regression rate, so
you have to have numerous ports with complicated fuel grain geometries
to get the fuel flow rate up." Complicated fuel geometries are expensive
to produce.
Hitt's work can be seen as something of a tiebreaker in the world of
axial injection end-burning hybrids. Separate Chinese and Japanese
research teams reached conflicting findings over whether the design
increased fuel regression rates.
"My results say that this design does increase the regression rate.
What I'm using is polyethylene as the solid fuel and gaseous oxygen as
the oxidizer," Hitt says.
"In a conventional hybrid, the rate at which the oxidizer is injected
does change the regression rate of the fuel. In this one, the
regression rate is a result of the chamber pressure, which is not how
hybrids typically work but is how solid engines work," Hitt says. "The
axial hybrid has a higher fuel regression rate, and that means you can
have less complicated geometries in the fuel grains."
Story Source:
The above post is reprinted from
materials provided by
University of Alabama Huntsville.
Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.
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