These images compare a view of
Beta Pictoris in scattered light as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope
(top) with a similar view constructed from data in the SMACK simulation
(red overlay, bottom). The X pattern in the Hubble image forms as a
result of a faint secondary dust disk inclined to the main debris disk.
Previous simulations were unable to reproduce this feature, but the
SMACK model replicates the overall pattern because it captures the
three-dimensional distribution of the collisions responsible for making
the dust.
Credit: Courtesy of: Top, NASA/ESA and D. Golimowski (Johns Hopkins Univ.); bottom, NASA Goddard/E. Nesvold and M. Kuchner
"We essentially created a virtual Beta Pictoris in the computer and
watched it evolve over millions of years," said Erika Nesvold, an
astrophysicist at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, who
co-developed the simulation. "This is the first full 3-D model of a
debris disk where we can watch the development of asymmetric features
formed by planets, like warps and eccentric rings, and also track
collisions among the particles at the same time."
In 1984, Beta Pictoris became the second star known to be surrounded
by a bright disk of dust and debris. Located only 63 light-years away,
Beta Pictoris is an estimated 21 million years old, or less than 1
percent the age of our solar system. It offers astronomers a front-row
seat to the evolution of a young planetary system and it remains one of
the closest, youngest and best-studied examples today. The disk, which
we see edge on, contains rock and ice fragments ranging in size from
objects larger than houses to grains as small as smoke particles. It's a
younger version of the Kuiper belt at the fringes of our own planetary
Nesvold and her colleague Marc Kuchner, an astrophysicist at NASA's
Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., presented the findings
Thursday during the "In the Spirit of Lyot 2015" conference in Montreal,
which focuses on the direct detection of planets and disks around
distant stars. A paper describing the research has been submitted to
The Astrophysical Journal.
In 2009, astronomers confirmed the existence of Beta Pictoris b, a
planet with an estimated mass of about nine times Jupiter's, in the
debris disk around Beta Pictoris. Traveling along a tilted and slightly
elongated 20-year orbit, the planet stays about as far away from its
star as Saturn does from our sun.
Astronomers have struggled to explain various features seen in the
disk, including a warp apparent at submillimeter wavelengths, an
X-shaped pattern visible in scattered light, and vast clumps of carbon
monoxide gas. A common ingredient in comets, carbon monoxide molecules
are destroyed by ultraviolet starlight in a few hundred years. To
explain why the gas is clumped, previous researchers suggested the
clumps could be evidence of icy debris being corralled by a second
as-yet-unseen planet, resulting in an unusually high number of
collisions that produce carbon monoxide. Or perhaps the gas was the
aftermath of an extraordinary crash of icy worlds as large as Mars.
"Our simulation suggests many of these features can be readily
explained by a pair of colliding spiral waves excited in the disk by the
motion and gravity of Beta Pictoris b," Kuchner said. "Much like
someone doing a cannonball in a swimming pool, the planet drove huge
changes in the debris disk once it reached its present orbit."
Keeping tabs on thousands of fragmenting particles over millions of
years is a computationally difficult task. Existing models either
weren't stable over a sufficiently long time or contained approximations
that could mask some of the structure Nesvold and Kuchner were looking
Working with Margaret Pan and Hanno Rein, both now at the University
of Toronto, they developed a method where each particle in the
simulation represents a cluster of bodies with a range of sizes and
similar motions. By tracking how these "superparticles" interact, they
could see how collisions among trillions of fragments produce dust and,
combined with other forces in the disk, shape it into the kinds of
patterns seen by telescopes. The technique, called the
Superparticle-Method Algorithm for Collisions in Kuiper belts (SMACK),
also greatly reduces the time required to run such a complex
Using the Discover supercomputer operated by the NASA Center for
Climate Simulation at Goddard, the SMACK-driven Beta Pictoris model ran
for 11 days and tracked the evolution of 100,000 superparticles over the
lifetime of the disk.
As the planet moves along its tilted path, it passes vertically
through the disk twice each orbit. Its gravity excites a vertical spiral
wave in the disk. Debris concentrates in the crests and troughs of the
waves and collides most often there, which explains the X-shaped pattern
seen in the dust and may help explain the carbon monoxide clumps.
The planet's orbit also is slightly eccentric, which means its
distance from the star varies a little every orbit. This motion stirs up
the debris and drives a second spiral wave across the face of the disk.
This wave increases collisions in the inner regions of the disk, which
removes larger fragments by grinding them away. In the real disk,
astronomers report a similar clearing out of large debris close to the
"One of the nagging questions about Beta Pictoris is how the planet
ended up in such an odd orbit," Nesvold explained. "Our simulation
suggests it arrived there about 10 million years ago, possibly after
interacting with other planets orbiting the star that we haven't
detected yet."